MOBY Program - Implementation of a School Mobility Plan


Eco CO2

Time Frame


Cycling Strategy


Project Summary

The MOBY program aims to implement a School Mobility Plan (PDES) in educational institutions and to raise awareness among students and school stakeholders about eco-mobility.

The commune of Orgueil chose to integrate this program for its public school in response to parents' requests for alternative mobility options for the home-to-school commute. An initial diagnostic phase involved a site visit, a mobility survey distributed to parents, and discussions with the local community highlighting the strengths of Orgueil. The municipality has a compact layout, making it conducive to active modes of transportation.

Eco-mobility awareness workshops were conducted over two days for students from first to fifth grade. Through age-appropriate games, students learned about existing modes of transportation, the benefits and drawbacks of each mode, and the rules of conduct to adopt depending on the chosen mode.

The next step, during the 2023-2024 school year, involves implementing the action plan, with key actions defined based on the diagnostic and the needs expressed by parents, the characteristics of the area, and available resources (human, material, etc.).

The commune of Castelsarrasin decided to integrate this program for the Jean de Prades General and Technological High School. The program will take place over the 2023-2024 school year. An initial launch phase will mobilize local stakeholders (city, intercommunal organization, region, associations, parents) and raise student awareness about eco-mobility issues. A diagnostic will establish a targeted action plan to address the specific challenges of the area.



Cycling Routes Map and Awareness Signage, LUBERON, France


Cyclotourism Attractiveness Study - ORLÉANS, France